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Release History
Changes in 1.5.1 that went live 26 February 2018:
Project numbers shown in Projects list
Tool note content added to BESS search results
Copying projects no longer updates the original project modified date.
Transport credit 2.3 Motorbikes/mopeds allows scoping out
Updated dwelling type to "Dwelling in a class 5-9 building" for clarity
Project details for dwelling extensions/renovations no longer shows overall dwelling area as an input
Reworded IEQ credit 3.2 Thermal comfort – shading question
Updated wording to Non-Residential Energy Deemed-To-Satisfy (DTS) questions for clarity
Water credit 1.1 Potable water use reduction (interior uses) fix to proposed/reference value calculations
Fix for Select All in Water fixtures, fittings and connections table
Fix for disabled credits showing a score
Fix for IEQ Deemed-To-Satisfy (DTS) questions that led to situation where no credits provided depending on sequence of questions answered
Fix for Daylight calculator incorrectly counting all rooms as bedrooms after 10 room profiles added
Fix for Energy credit 1.1 Thermal performance rating - Non-residential score awarded for >20% reduction
Fix for dependent credits that sometimes remained scoped out once re-enabled
Transport credit 1.6 End of Trip Facilities - Non-Residential dependency rule fix
Area climatic correction factor updated to handle dwellings above 1000sqm in size