Privacy Policy


The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) and the Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment (CASBE) member councils, responsibly collect and handle personal information. MAV and CASBE member councils are committed to complying with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

Collection of information is also governed by the MAV Privacy Policy and the member Council’s privacy policies. These Privacy Policies may change from time to time and changes will take effect from the date of posting on our website. These Privacy policies are available on the MAV and Council websites or upon request.  

Collecting personal information

Personal information is information about you, from which your identity could reasonably be ascertained.

You can visit and browse this website without disclosing your personal information. The MAV and CASBE member councils, through the BESS (Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard) website, do not retrieve or collect personal information, except where that information is freely given, for example:

  • Registering to use BESS
  • Contacting us through this website. 

Information provided in the registration process and when completing a BESS report may be accessed by MAV staff and CASBE member council staff from the municipality in which the project is located.

MAV staff and CASBE member council staff that access the information on the BESS website must collect and handle your personal information in accordance with the privacy principles in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.


A cookie is information that is shared between a web server and a user's browser. Cookies give the server information about a user's identity and website visiting patterns and preferences.

Cookies are issued when you log into BESS. You can change your internet settings to allow all cookies, notify you when one's issued or not accept them at all. You can also delete cookies at any time. If you have your cookies disabled in your browser, you will still be able to access this website.

If you don't allow our cookies or delete them you will have to re-enter your username and password every time you login to the BESS website. The cookie does not record your login password.

Google Analytics

Our website collects information through Google Analytics.

For statistical and system administration reasons, Google Analytics automatically records some of your computer information such as:

  • the Internet Protocol (IP) number (the IP number is assigned to your computer when you use the internet)
  • the domain name of the account you use to access the internet (eg. "" or "")
  • the date and time of your visit to the site
  • the pages you accessed and downloaded
  • the address of the last site you visited, and
  • the type of browser you are using, for example, Firefox or Internet Explorer.

This information will only be used for internal statistical purposes and to update and improve our website. To the extent that this data could make you identifiable, MAV and CASBE member councils will not attempt to identify individuals from the records the server automatically generates unless that is necessary to investigate a breach of law or regulation. 

Data Quality and Security

MAV and CASBE member councils through the BESS website will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information they collect.  However, while the MAV and CASBE member councils will strive to protect your personal information, they cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information transmitted to them online.


You have a right to access the personal information we hold about you. In accordance with the Act, requests for access should be made via formal application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (though in certain circumstances requests may be dealt with by MAV/CASBE member councils without the need to make formal application). Charges may apply to cover the cost of accessing and providing this information to you. Requests for access should be sent to MAV/CASBE via the contact details listed at the bottom of this Privacy Statement.

Contact us

Any questions relating to this Privacy Policy or your personal information can be directed to 

Last Updated – September 2020