Release History


These changes went live 8 July 2023.

User Interface changes

  • Ability to create projects in BESS-7 or BESS-8 Engine. During the transition period to NCC2022, BESS allows the creation of new projects in either BESS-7 (Aligned to NCC2019) or BESS-8 (Aligned to NCC2022). Upgraded projects from earlier BESS Engines also have a choice to upgrade to BESS-7 or BESS-8.

BESS-8 Engine

  • Updated greenhouse emission factors. Updated in line with the latest release of the Australian National Greenhouse Accounts Factors (February 2023) .
  • NatHERS starbands. Updated to the 2022 Starbands.
  • Energy 1.2 – Thermal Performance Rating. In line with NCC2022, this credit requires a NatHERS score of 7 stars. For multi dwelling projects, average NatHERS score required is 7 stars. Credit score improves for every 0.1 star improvement above 7 stars. Credit score of 50% is awarded at 7.5 stars. Maximum credit score is achieved at 8.5 stars.
  • New credit Energy 2.7 – Energy consumption – The new credit replaces credits for electricity, gas and wood consumption. Score is awarded for each 1% improvement against the reference case. Maximum credit score is achieved at 20% reduction (residential only).
  • Energy 2.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Change to scoring. Score is awarded for each 1% improvement against the reference case. Maximum credit score is achieved at 20% reduction (residential only).
  • Energy 3.4 Clothes Drying. Change to scoring. Score is awarded for each 1% improvement against the reference case. Maximum credit score is achieved at 50% reduction.
  • Clothes dryer reference case. This has been updated from 1 star to 2 star in line with market availability.
  • Clothes dryer options. Addition of 9 star and 10 star dryers.
  • Heating and cooling reference case. Updated to align with NCC whole of home assumptions, i.e. 3 star ducted heat pump.
  • Heating and cooling star rating options. Updated to include both 2011 and 2019 MEPS options.
  • Hot water reference case. Updated to align with NCC whole of home assumptions, i.e. 5 star gas instantaneous.
  • Energy 2.2 Peak Demand. Removed for residential projects.
  • Energy 3.2 Hot Water. Removed for residential projects.
  • Energy 2.6 Electrification. Increased credit weighting in the Energy category.
  • Energy 4.4 Renewable Energy Systems Other. Ability to scope out.
  • Energy 3.1 Carpark Ventilation. Reduced credit weighting in the Energy category.
  • Energy 3.5 and 3.6 Lighting. Reduced credit weighting in the Energy category.