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Tool notes

You are viewing an old version of the BESS Tool Notes, this version relates to BESS V8 projects. View latest

Sustainable building design will only lead to a truly sustainable building if the project includes a sensible and well conceived construction management approach and an ongoing building management allowance, including:

  • an early commitment to environmental targets
  • an operation waste separation strategy
  • regular tuning of building services
  • sensible use of building services, such as heating and cooling devices
  • preparation of a Building Users' Guide

In Management, BESS includes actions related to early consideration of ESD, such as a pre-application meeting with Council and early thermal performance modelling. BESS also includes actions related to ongoing monitoring, including metering and sub-metering strategies. And finallly, BESS includes an action that a Building Users' Guide be prepared to assist future building users to understand and operate their new building in the most efficient way.

1.1 - Pre-Application Meeting

Applies to

All development


To ensure appropriate sustainable design principles and strategies are considered from the preliminary design stage of each development by encouraging early involvement of a suitably qualified ESD professional.


Points are awarded where the project design team includes suitably qualified ESD professionals to provide sustainable design advice from preliminary design through to construction, AND the ESD professional has been involved in a pre-application meeting with Council. A ‘suitably qualified’ ESD professional may hold a degree in architecture, engineering or another suitable discipline, and have either additional ESD qualifications or demonstrated ESD experience with built environment projects.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Name and qualification of ESD professional(s) engaged.
  • Record of attendance at pre-application meeting. Provide date of the meeting and list of attendees.
Further Information

2.1 - Thermal Performance Modelling - Single Dwelling

Applies to

All residential (single dwelling) development


To encourage and recognise developments that use thermal modelling to inform passive design at the early design stage


Points are awarded where it is demonstrated that the dwelling meets or exceeds the minimum required BCA star rating utilising a NatHERS accredited thermal performance model. Use building documentation and initial building fabric assumptions to undertake a thermal performance model, demonstrating that the building meets or exceeds the 7 star minimum energy rating requirement.

Note this credit is awarded for undertaking this early modelling. Demonstrating improvement above the Building Code of Australia requirements is awarded points in the Energy category.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Documentation that demonstrates that a minimum 7 star energy efficiency standard has been achieved or exceeded
  • Documentation is to include a summary of the building fabric assumptions.
Further Information

2.2 - Thermal Performance Modelling - Multi-Dwelling Residential

Applies to

Multi-unit and multi-dwelling development


To encourage and recognise developments that use thermal modelling to inform passive design at the early design stage


Points are awarded where, utilising a NatHERS accredited thermal performance model, it is demonstrated that the development meets or exceeds the BCA 7 star average and that no unit falls below the 6 star minimum rating requirement. Use building documentation and initial building fabric assumptions to undertake a thermal performance model, demonstrating that the building meets or exceeds the 7 star average and 6 star minimum energy rating requirement.

Note this credit is awarded for undertaking this early modelling. Demonstrating improvement above the Building Code of Australia requirements is awarded points in the Energy category.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Documentation that demonstrates that a minimum 7 star energy efficiency standard has been achieved or exceeded for a representative sample of dwellings including thermally similar dwellings.  If dwellings have been input as thermally similar groups, a site plan or similar drawing should be provided showing which dwellings have been grouped together.  Refer to the Overview section in Toolnotes for more information about dwelling grouping.
  • Documentation is to include a summary of the building fabric assumptions.
Further Information

2.3 - Thermal Performance Modelling - Non-Residential

Applies to

All non-residential development


To encourage and recognise developments that use thermal modelling to inform passive design at the early design stage.


Points are awarded where it is demonstrated that early energy assessment has been undertaken, either:

  • A Section J facade assessment (50% score)
  • Energy modelling - JV3, NABERS or Green Star (100% score)

Note this credit is awarded for undertaking this early energy assessment. Modelling results that show an improvement on National Construction Code requirements are awarded points in the Energy category.

Note that if you are using the BESS DtS approach in Energy, a Section J facade assessment is required.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Documentation, such as a JV3 report (including assumptions) and/or a preliminary Section J facade assessment that demonstrates that the minimum standards have been achieved or exceeded.
  • Documentation is to include a summary of the building fabric assumptions.

3.1 - Metering - Residential

Applies to

Multi-unit residential development


To provide building users with information that allows monitoring of energy and water consumption


Points are awarded where it is demonstrated that utility meters (electricity, water & gas if applicable) will be provided for all individual dwellings.

Documentation & evidence required
  • A commitment to individual dwelling metering of energy and water.
Other Considerations

Applicants are also encouraged to consider additional strategies such as the installation of in-home energy displays.

3.2 - Metering - Non-Residential

Applies to

Non-residential development.


To provide building users with information that allows monitoring of energy and water consumption


Points are awarded where it is demonstrated that utility meters (electricity, water & gas if applicable) will be provided for all individual commercial tenancies. Using the building plans, identify and list all anticipated tenancies. Use this information to develop an appropriate metering and sub-metering strategy.

Documentation & evidence required
  • A commitment to individual metering of energy and water based on an analysis of individual tenancies.

3.3 - Metering - Common Areas

Applies to

All multi-residential and non-residential development.


To provide building users with information that allows monitoring of energy and water.


Points are awarded where it is demonstrated that utility sub-meters will be provided to all major common area services. Using the building plans, identify and list all anticipated major common area water and energy uses. Use this information to develop an appropriate sub-metering strategy. Ensure that meters are located in areas which are easy to access to facilitate regular monitoring. For example, plant rooms, main distribution room or control room etc.

Documentation & evidence required
  • A commitment to metering energy and water based on an analysis of the anticipated major common area uses.
Other Considerations

Applicants are encouraged to consider additional strategies such as the inclusion of an building management system to give users detailed information about the energy and water use across the development.

4.1 - Building Users Guide

Applies to

All multi-residential and non-residential development.


To encourage and recognise initiatives that will help building users to use the building more efficiently.


Points are awarded where a Building Users’ Guide is developed for use by occupants and building maintenance. Review your building design and ESD commitments to identify the main sustainable design initiatives, systems and processes that building users will interact with. Collate and present information that covers the function and use of the building, using non-technical language targeted to building occupants, and where required, to Building Managers. The Building Users' Guide may be a simple booklet and/or a combination of interpretative signage throughout the building that helps facilitate more sustainable behaviour by building occupants.

Documentation & evidence required
  • A commitment to producing and issuing a Building Users’ Guide. Note that a Building Users’ Guide does not need to be produced prior to permit, but checking that this commitment has been fulfilled will form part of any planning enforcement check.

The average Victorian household uses approximately 186,000 litres of water each year, or approximately 500 litres per day (ABS, 2017). Simple design decisions can reduce consumption of drinking water and help to conserve Victoria's precious water resources.

In the Water category, BESS includes actions regarding the water efficiency of fixtures, rainwater collection & use, water efficient landscaping and building systems water use. Other water efficiency considerations that are not captured in BESS but are also important include:

  • Locating hot water units close to the point of use to reduce heat loss through pipes.
  • Locating wet areas (bathrooms & laundries) and kitchens adjacent to each other.
  • Using an alternative source of water such as greywater to water plants (non-edible varieties)

Our Integrated Water Management Fact Sheet can help you with design strategies for your development.

Water Profile Questions

BESS requires you to complete the Water profile questions. These questions are applicable to the whole site.

Do you have a reticulated third pipe or an on-site water recycling system?

Where the site will connect to a reticulated third pipe or an on-site water recycling system is to be installed, the details of this should be provided with the BESS report.

A third pipe system is also known as a 'purple pipe' system, and is a Class A recycled water supply that can be used for toilets, laundry and irrigation water needs.

A grey water system would be an example of an on-site water recycling system.

In BESS, rainwater tanks are not classed as on-site recycled water systems. To enter rainwater tanks, answer 'Yes' to the question, 'Are you installing a rainwater tank?' and proceed to enter details for your tank(s).

Refer to your council and water authority for details and requirements related to these systems.

If you click yes here, a textbox will appear asking you to fill out details of the third pipe or on-site water recycling system. Note that this text box will only be shown if the ‘Use the built in calculation tools’ is chosen for this section.

Are you installing a swimming pool?

This question is for information only. It is not connected to any calculation within BESS.

Are you installing a rainwater tank?

Select Yes here to activate the Rainwater tank calculator. You can enter multiple rainwater tanks below. Note that the Rainwater tank calculator will only be shown if the ‘Use the built in calculation tools’ is chosen for this section.

Water Approach

For all developments, you can opt to use the in-built calculator or provide your own calculations for Water credits 1.1.

Note that 'Rainwater collection and re-use' used to be a separate credit (2.1) in BESS, but is now considered in credit 1.1 – potable water use reduction

Built-in Calculator

If using the in-built calculator, you will be asked to complete the 'Water fixtures, fittings and connections’ table by entering information about the WELS ratings of sittings and various appliance types. The calculator will determine whether you have achieved points in the 1.1 Water credit.

Provide own calculations

You can opt to provide modelling or your own calculations to demonstrate the potable water use reduction for water credit 1.1.

A report of the modelling or calculations should be provided as evidence. Assumptions and the basis of the modelling/calculations should be included. Acceptance of the report is at the discretion of the assessing officer at your council.

If using this approach, enter the relevant percentage reduction into each credit.

Rainwater Calculator

If you tick yes to installing a rainwater tank, the rainwater calculator will appear in the form of a table. Remember, it will only appear once you have also selected that you will be using the built in calculation tools.

This table allows for one or more tanks to be included by clicking on the '+ Rainwater Tank' button.

To complete the rainwater calculator you will need the following information:

  • The roof area connected to the tank. The term 'roof area' is used here for simplicity - you should include the total catchment area connected to the tank. Assess your roof plans to determine which roof areas are able to be connected. Water runoff from trafficable areas is considered stormwater, so should not be included as rainwater.
  • The tank size. Do not include any tank volume that is required for on-site stormwater detention, as this volume is released slowly back into the stormwater system.
  • Whether the tank will be connected to the reticulated third pipe or onsite water recycling system.
  • The irrigated garden area connected to the tank. This includes 'active' (automatic and manual irrigation systems) and 'passive' irrigation (where water leaks from the tank into the garden).
  • Whether the irrigated garden area if a water efficient garden. Your answer here affects the calculation of water used for irrigation purposes. A water efficient garden includes low water use plant selection and specifying water efficient irrigation (e.g. drip irrigation with timers and rain sensors).
  • Whether there is other external water demand connected to the tank such as bin wash down or pool top up. You are required to estimate this water usage in litres per day. Additional water uses for rainwater include non-potable demands such as irrigation, pools, commercial process uses and taps for washdown. Tank water will only be available for additional uses if it not required for internal uses.

Setting up rainwater tanks for grouped dwellings

If you have set up your project with grouped dwellings, you will be entering water fixtures and fittings for that group. This includes the rainwater tank connection.

In this case, you will need to create a rainwater tank that has the combined tank area and the combined connected roof area (and the combined garden area connected, if relevant).

Water Fixtures, Fittings and Connections

This table lists the grouped dwellings and spaces as they were initially entered in the project details stage.

You are required to select the efficiency of all the water fittings and appliances, and then identify where any rainwater or other non-potable water source is being used in the building. Eg toilets, washing machines, hot water. Check with your Council whether this option is accepted. If you plan to have an additional alternative water source as a back up to your rainwater tank, BESS will not allow you to select ‘hot water’ as an option for your rainwater tank to connect to.

Rainwater connected to: Toilets

To answer 'yes', at least one toilet per dwelling must be connected

Rainwater connected to: Laundry (Washing Machine)

To answer 'yes', at least one pair of washing machine stop cocks per dwelling must be connected

Rainwater connected to: Hot Water

To answer 'yes', all other hot water connections must be connected.

When entering information in this table you can select the ‘Select all’ button is the top left-hand corner of the table to copy a selection across all columns.

Default and Scoping out

For default and scope out options within the water fixtures, fittings and connections table, the following guidance is provided:

  • For residential developments, when dishwashers are not being provided as a part of the build, these should be entered as ‘Default or unrated’ and when washing machines are not being provided as a part of the build, these should be entered as ‘Occupant to Install’.
  • For residential developments it would be reasonable to scope out urinals.
  • For non-residential spaces, when a kitchen is not being provided the dishwasher can be scoped out.
  • For non-residential spaces, when washing machines are not being provided these can be scoped out.

1.1 - Potable Water Use Reduction

Applies to

All development


To reduce total potable water use due through the use of efficient fixtures, appliances, and the use of rainwater.


Points are awarded when the annual internal potable (mains) water consumption has been reduced by at least 25% against the reference case, as calculated by the in-built calculator or demonstrated via alternative modelling. More points are awarded for each improvement with a 40% score awarded for 25% reduction, and maximum score awarded for projects achieving 70% reduction or higher.

Efficient fixtures and appliances, rainwater use and recycled water use are included in the estimated potable water consumption for this credit. Refer to the Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) to select fixtures and appliances or confirm the WELS rating for each item.

Rainwater results

The results table for this credit displays some information that may be useful to optimise rainwater systems. These results should be interpreted together.

Note that the calculations use monthly average rainfall and daily average household water consumption. Performance and reliability will depend on actual conditions and behaviour.

  • % of connected demand met by rainwater. If this result is 100% or near 100%, consider whether there are other uses that could also be connected. If this result is significantly lower than 100%, consider whether it is possible to increase the catchment area and tank storage volume.
  • How often deos the tank overflow? If the rainwater tank is overflowing regularly, consider increasing the tank size and/or increasing the connections to rainwater (if possible).
  • Opportunity for additional rainwater connection (kL). If this is greater than zero, then there is water use suitable for connection to rainwater that is not currently connected. Interpret this with the results above to understand whether your existing system can service this demand or whether increasing the catchment area or tank volume would also be required.

For example:

  • If you have opportunity for additional rainwater connection, your tank is overflowing often, and you are already meeting the demand that is connected - you should consider connecting more uses (e.g. toilets) to your rainwater tank.
  • If you have opportunity for additional rainwater connection but you are not meeting demand that is already connected - improve this first by either increasing the catchment area (roof connected to tanks) or the tank storage volume.
Documentation & evidence required

Site / Floor plans showing:

  • Notation regarding water efficient fixtures and appliances
  • Rainwater tank(s), drawn at the correct size and labelled as connected to (X) number of toilets, irrigation or other re-use opportunities.
  • Roof catchment area and connection to which tank
Other Considerations

Applicants are encouraged to consider additional water saving strategies not currently included within the tool scoring, for example:

  • Locating hot water units close to the point of use to reduce heat loss through pipes.
  • Locating wet areas (bathrooms and laundries) and kitchens adjacent to each other
Further Information

3.1 - Water Efficient Landscaping

Applies to

All development


To ensure the efficient use of water and to reduce total operating potable water use through encouraging water efficient landscape design.


Points are allocated for the inclusion of water efficient landscapes that don't require supplementary watering with potable water to survive.

Green roofs, green walls, food producing landscape areas and irrigation areas connected to rainwater or an alternative water source are not considered in this credit.

If all vegetation is in food producing landscape areas or irrigation areas connected to rainwater or an alternative water source, then this credit is not applicable and should be scoped out.

Otherwise, if your landscaping area is designed without irrigation and using plant species that will not require watering after an initial period when plants are getting established, answer Yes to this credit.

If your landscaping area is connected to an irrigation system supplied by potable water, answer No to this credit.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Fully detailed landscape plan.
Other Considerations

Applicants are encouraged to consider additional water saving strategies not currently included within the tool scoring, for example:

  • Using an alternative source of water such as greywater to water plants (non-edible varieties)
Further Information

4.1 - Building Systems Water Use Reduction

Applies to

Non-residential development


Ensure the efficient use of water, to reduce total operating potable water use and to encourage the appropriate use of alternative water sources for cooling and fire testing systems.


Points are allocated by the water calculator based upon an estimated reduction in potable (mains) water consumption due to the recycling of water used for fire testing and building systems such as evaporative cooling or air conditioning chillers. Estimated reductions are to be at least 80%. .

This includes collecting test water for re-use, either with the fire test system or for another fit-for purpose use. ‘Fire testing systems’ refers to testing of hydrants, hose reels, sprinklers. Refer to VBA PN-61-2018.

If the building does not have a sprinkler system and water based heat rejection systems, this credit is 'N/A' and should be scoped out.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site / Floor plans showing location of fire test system water tank and specifications including tank capacity and intended re-use.
Further Information

Up to 40 per cent of the world's energy resources are used in buildings. Good building design can decrease power consumption, save money, reduce the impact of climate change and provide comfortable conditions for building occupants.

In the energy category, BESS awards points for passive design, energy efficient services / appliances and energy fuel choices that deliver greenhouse and energy savings above a benchmark building. The benchmark building is based on minimum standards in the National Construction Code (NCC) of Australia including the whole-of-home reference case, the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), market availability and other standards.

Applicants have some flexibility for achieving points, through pursuing improvements to the building shell (passive design), increasing the efficiency of mechanical and electrical system components and also by designing all-electric developments. Onsite renewable energy generation can assist in reaching higher performance standards, or offset energy consumption of buildings with average performing building shell or appliances.

Our Operational Energy Fact Sheet can help you with design strategies for your development.

Energy Profile Questions

BESS requires you to complete the Energy profile questions. These questions are applicable to the whole site.

Are you installing a solar photovoltaic system?

If you select ‘Yes’, BESS will activate the Solar PV calculator. You can then enter the details of one or more Solar PV systems.

Are you installing any other renewable energy system(s)?

Select Yes here if you are installing another type of renewable energy system, such as micro-wind. There is no in-built calculator for these systems - you will need to supply your own calculations and enter results directly into Energy credit 4.4. This question does not refer to solar hot water – solar hot water is defined in a separate question.

Energy supply

This question is asking what energy supplies are connected to the building. With options for all electric, electricity and natural gas or electricity and LPG gas. Your selection here will affect the questions and credits that are applicable to your project.

Are you installing a co-generation or tri-generation system?

This refers to a combined heat and power system or a combined heat, power and cooling system. This energy profile question is only asked for non-residential and mixed use developments.

Solar PV Calculator

The Solar PV calculator is activated when the user answers Yes to this in the Energy Profile. To complete the Solar PV calculator BESS users will need:

  • The size of the proposed solar system in kilowatt peak (the lesser of the panel capacity or the inverter size)
  • The orientation of the panels - ideally north, possibly west to match the evening peak (or a combination of the two)
  • The inclination of the panels - this is the angle from horizontal

For a mixed-use building, BESS needs to know the building class the solar system is being used for.

If there are arrays oriented in different directions, or if it is a townhouse development and each townhouse has a separate solar array, enter each array separately.

Approaches to completing the Energy Section


For non-residential developments, you can opt to use the Deemed to Satisfy (DtS) method or provide your own calculations (via energy modelling) to achieve Energy credits 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.7 and 3.2.

When selecting DtS - this applies to all non-residential spaces. Under the DtS method there is no partial compliance.

Deemed to Satisfy

Under the DtS method, if you answer “Yes” to ALL the following questions, then points are awarded for the energy credits shown above.

  • Do all exposed floors and ceilings (forming part of the envelope) demonstrate a minimum 10% improvement in required NCC2022 insulation levels (total R-value upwards and downwards)?
  • Does all wall-glazing construction demonstrate meeting the minimum NCC2022 requirements through a facade calculator?
  • Are heating and cooling systems within one Star of the most efficient equivalent capacity unit available, or Coefficient of Performance (CoP) & Energy Efficiency Ratios (EER) not less than 85% of the CoP & EER of the most efficient equivalent capacity unit available?
  • Are water heating systems within one star of the best available, or 85% or better than the most efficient equivalent capacity unit?
Provide own calculations - Non-Residential Energy Modelling

Where you select 'provide own calculations', preliminary modelling is required to demonstrate that energy credits have been achieved. Preliminary modelling must meet all the requirements, methodology and assumptions using Verification Method JV3 of the National Construction Code Volume 1. Refer to the most recent version of the NCC Volume 1 Energy Efficiency Handbook for more detail.

For the purposes of the BESS assessment, the following are required.

Modelling for inputs to BESS include 3 runs (aligned with NCC 2022 requirements):

  • Reference fabric and reference services
  • Proposed fabric and reference services
  • Proposed fabric and proposed services

Proposed and reference have the same meaning as in the NCC.

The modelling for BESS inputs must be completed as follows:

  • Reference case heating, cooling and hot water systems are to be the same fuel type as the proposed.
  • Must include hot water systems (with reference system set as electric storage meeting MEPS or 4 star gas storage hot water meeting MEPS)
  • Lighting results are to be input separately to heating and cooling
  • Must exclude renewable energy generation
  • Must exclude vertical transport

The modelling results are used for calculations in the following BESS energy credits:

Energy 1.1 Thermal Design Non-Residential – reduction is proposed fabric with reference services compared to reference fabric with reference services

Energy 2.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions – reduction is proposed fabric with proposed services and proposed hot water compared to reference fabric with reference services and hot water reference

Energy 2.2 Peak Demand – reduction is peak thermal cooling load proposed fabric with proposed services compared to peak thermal cooling load reference fabric with reference services

Energy 2.3 Electricity Consumption – reduction is proposed fabric with proposed services and proposed hot water compared to reference fabric with reference services and hot water reference

Energy 2.4 Gas Consumption (if applicable) – reduction proposed fabric with proposed services and proposed hot water compared to reference fabric with reference services and hot water reference

Energy 3.2 Hot Water – reduction is hot water proposed compared to hot water reference

Energy 4.2 Renewable Energy Systems - Solar – building class energy consumption is aggregate of proposed fabric with proposed services, proposed hot water and proposed lighting


The modelling approach in NABERS tests the outcomes against a threshold, rather than against a base case / reference case. Therefore, the BESS inputs do not align with the NABERS approach. Councils may accept a NABERS energy commitment as acceptable demonstration of energy performance.

Commercial Building Disclosure Program

The Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy manages the Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) Program, which applies to most office space with a net lettable area of 1000 square metres or more. The program requires credible energy efficiency and greenhouse emissions data to be provided to prospective buyers and tenants.

The program does not apply to new buildings where a certificate of occupancy (or equivalent) has either not yet been issued or was issued less than two years earlier. However, the CBD program will apply when most office space of 1000 square metres or more is being:

  • sold
  • leased
  • subleased

To determine if your project will be affected by the CBD program, refer to

Achieving a high energy reduction in BESS will provide regulatory and commercial benefits including when mandatory disclosure is required for an office building.


You have the choice of using the in-built energy calculator or providing your own calculations.

Provide own calculations

If you provide your own calculations there are fewer inputs in the BESS tool, but you must provide evidence to demonstrate that you are meeting Councils’ objectives for energy.

Built-in Calculator

If using the built-in calculator, complete the 'Dwelling Profile' section by entering information about the NatHERS rating and various appliance types. The information you enter here is used to calculate energy consumption and greenhouse emissions against a benchmark building, and the results feed into Energy credits 1.2, 2.1, 2.7, 3.4, 4.2 and 4.5.

Dwelling Energy Profiles

The table lists the grouped dwellings as they were initially entered in the project details stage.

Any sample of dwellings should be representative and allow a weighted average result to be calculated. BESS allows this to be set up on the Project Details Page by entering each sample along with the number of dwellings in that thermally similar group. Alternatively, a weighted average can be taken for groups of dwellings that share the same exposure characteristics.

When entering information in this table the ‘Select all’ button is the top left-hand corner of the table to copy a selection across all columns.

This table links back to the ‘Dwellings’ table on the BESS ‘Project Details’ page. When entering details on the Project Details page, you can group dwellings with similar thermal properties and similar systems. These groupings will automatically appear on the energy page in the ‘Dwelling Energy Profiles’ table. Creating groups of dwellings in the project details page helps streamline the BESS calculation engine process time.

A note about dwelling area

When entering information on the Project Details pages, the input for dwelling area is the total dwelling area (excluding garages), NOT just the conditioned area or usable area.

Completing the ‘Dwellings Energy Profiles’ table:

Identify the spaces above and below the dwelling, and the number of exposed sides

‘Exposed sides’ refers to the walls (not the floor or ceiling). A dwelling is considered to have an exposed side if more than 2/3 of the side is not connected to an adjoining conditioned space.

Input the annual heating and cooling energy loads.

These can be found on the NatHERS certificate. The heating and cooling load is how much energy is needed per square meter to heat or cool the dwelling. BESS also asks for the NatHers star rating for that dwelling or group of dwellings.

BESS takes the heating and cooling loads and considers them in context of what is above or below the dwelling – either conditioned spaces or non-conditioned spaces. Based on this information BESS makes an assumption about the heating and cooling needs of the dwelling. That is – how much energy will be required to keep the building comfortable in both summer and winter.

Input the heating and cooling system types and their efficiencies.

BESS will then calculate predicted energy requirements. If you aren’t putting in a cooling system and have a low cooling load, your project will be rewarded. However, if you select no air-conditioning and you have a high cooling load, BESS will assume a low efficiency air conditioner is installed at a later date.

Input the hot water system type.

Solar is not included in this list. If the hot water has a solar component, first select the booster system – where it asks for the type of hot water system, and then on the next row, include the contribution that solar will make to the hot water heating. This contribution is shown as a percentage.

There are multiple options for heat pump hot water systems. As there are currently no star ratings for hot water heat pumps, the four options provided in BESS are 'Band 1, Band 2, Band 3 and Band 4'.

The efficiency of each 'band' is determined from the number of Small Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) available. This information is updated each calendar year.

Look up the number of STCs for a specific model on the Clean Energy Regulator website, and check this against the numbers published below. You can do this when completing the BESS report or at a later date.

The range of heat pump models that fit within each efficiency 'band' in BESS will stay consistent, even though the number of STCs reduces each year (in line with the STC calculation regulated by the Clean Energy Regulator).

Heat Pump Hot Water - Efficiency bands by STCs applicable (2024)
Band 1 21 STCs or less
Band 2 22 STCs
Band 3 23 STCs
Band 4 24 STCs or more
Heat Pump Hot Water - Efficiency Bands by STCs applicable (2025)
Band 1 18 STCs or less
Band 2 19 STCs
Band 3 20 STCs
Band 4 21 STCs or more

Input information about the clothes drying options.

The inputs in this table are determine the energy use and the projected greenhouse gas emissions from the project.

The exception is the NatHERS star rating. This is used in the Energy 1.2 credit.

The total number of dwellings entered in BESS must always equal the number of dwellings in the development.

Residential Energy Modelling - NatHERS ratings

The Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) is a star rating system (out of ten) that rates the energy efficiency of a home, based on its design. NatHERS uses software based on scientific research by the CSIRO, which estimates the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling.

A NatHERS rating considers many factors including local climate, building size, orientation, shading, and construction – including walls, floors, windows, doors, roofs and ceilings.

For residential projects, a preliminary NatHERS rating is expected for all thermally similar dwellings wherever a claim is made that the dwelling will exceed the minimum requirements under the National Construction Code. For the purposes of sampling, dwellings can be grouped where they share similar thermal properties.

Any sample of dwellings should be representative and allow a weighted average result to be calculated. BESS allows this to be set up on the Project Details Page by entering each sample along with the number of dwellings in that thermally similar group. Alternatively, a weighted average can be taken for groups of dwellings that share the same exposure characteristics.

For developments that include dwellings intending to meet minimum NatHERS requirements only, and have not undertaken preliminary NatHERS, the user must enter default minimum 7 Star NatHERS heating and cooling loads for the relevant climate zone.

Using default NatHERS values

For Class 1 dwellings use an 80% heating 20% cooling split of the total MJ/m2/year figures in the table below. For Class 2 apartments use a 60% heating 40% cooling load split of these values:

NatHERS heating and cooling limits to meet a 7 star standard in Victorian climate zones
NatHERS heating and cooling limits to meet a 7 star standard in Victorian climate zones
Climate Zone 7 star heating and cooling total (MJ/m2/year)
Melbourne 21 62
East Sale 22 100
Mildura 27 79
Tullamarine 60 99
Moorabbin 62 85
Warrnambool 63 112
Cape Otway 64 88
Ballarat 66 161
Thredbo 69 277

Source: 2022 NatHERS Starbands

For apartments, Planning Scheme Clauses 55.07 and 58.07 include maximum cooling loads. NatHERS ratings are required to show the council these would be met.

1.1 - Thermal Performance Rating - Non-Residential

Applies to

Non-residential developments


Reduce energy needed to achieve thermal comfort in summer and winter - improving comfort, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, and maintenance costs.


Points are awarded when the building's thermal fabric reduces heating and cooling energy consumption to meet the reference case (NCC2022 Section J). This is demonstrated by commitment to deemed-to-satisfy criteria or heating and cooling energy consumption calculated from energy modelling results, which includes both building fabric and building services inputs.

More points are awarded for every % improvement including the following:

  • 0% reduction - 12.5% score
  • 10% reduction - 37.5%
  • 20% reduction - 50%
  • 60% reduction - 100%
Documentation & evidence required
  • If using the DtS method, provide your insulation specifications (R-values), preliminary facade calculation, heating and cooling system type and CoP/EER, and water heating system details.
  • If you are providing your own calculations, supply modelling assumptions and results. Ensure that methods meet the requirements of the NCC Verification Method JV3 and BESS requirements.
  • If you are proposing an alternative energy modelling protocol, seek approval from the relevant local council before proceeding.
Further information

1.2 - Thermal Performance Rating - Residential

Applies to

All residential developments


To reduce energy needed to achieve thermal comfort in summer and winter - improving comfort, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, and maintenance costs.


Points are awarded when the average Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) rating is above 7 stars. More points are awarded for each improvement in the average NatHERS rating, with a 50% score awarded for 7.5 stars, and maximum score awarded for projects achieving 8.5 stars or higher.

The average NatHERS rating is calculated as a weighted average relative to the size of each dwelling. For example:

  • Dwelling 1 = 100sqm, 7 star NatHERS
  • Dwelling 2 = 150sqm, 8 star NatHERS

Average NatHERS rating = ((100*7)+(150*8)) / (100+150) = 7.6 star

Documentation & evidence required
  • Preliminary NatHERS ratings - Enter NatHERS Annual Energy Loads for Heating and cooling (MJ/sqm), as well as the NatHERS star rating into the Dwelling Energy Profiles table in the BESS Energy section. For developments that include dwellings intending to meet minimum NatHERS requirements only, and have not undertaken preliminary NatHERS, the user must enter default minimum 7 Star NatHERS heating and cooling loads for the relevant climate zone. Refer to table above.
  • If you have selected to provide your own calculations (i.e. you are not using the built-in calculator), input the area weighted average NatHERS star rating directly into the credit.
Further information

2.1 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Applies to

All development types


Ensure the efficient use of energy and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from building energy use.


Points are awarded when annual greenhouse gas emissions are below the benchmark for residential projects. More points are awarded for every percentage improvement in greenhouse gas emissions. Maximum score is awarded for 20% reduction against the benchmark.

For non-residential projects, points are awarded for meeting the benchmark, demonstrated by commitment to deemed-to-satisfy criteria. Otherwise greenhouse gas emissions are calculated from energy modelling results, which includes both building fabric and building services inputs.

Documentation & evidence required
  • If using the DtS method, provide insulation specifications (R-values), preliminary facade calculation, heating and cooling system type and CoP/EER, and water heating system details.
  • If you are providing your own calculations for non-residential, supply modelling assumptions and results. Ensure that methods meet the requirements of the NCC Verification Method JV3 and BESS requirements.
  • If you are proposing an alternative energy modelling protocol, seek approval from the relevant local council before proceeding.
  • For all dwellings, show heating/cooling outdoor units (condensers), solar hot water panels and clotheslines on plans.

If you using providing your own calculations for dwellings, supply modelling assumptions and results. Include energy and greenhouse emissions for heating, cooling, hot water and clothes drying, with calculations clearly shown.

2.2 - Peak Demand

Applies to

Non-residential developments


To reduce demand on electrical infrastructure during peak cooling periods.


Points are awarded when the instantaneous (peak-hour) cooling demand meets the benchmark, as demonstrated by commitment to deemed-to-satisfy criteria or demonstrated via alternative modelling. Peak demand is calculated based on JV3 modelling (including cooling system) or NCC comparison. Reducing cooling loads (via measures such as improved insulation, glazing and shading) will deliver an improvement in the peak cooling demand.

Documentation & evidence required
  • JV3 modelling
  • Own calculations

2.6 - Electrification

Applies to

All development types


To support the transition to renewable energy sources.


Points are awarded where the development is all electric. As the electricity grid transitions to renewable sources of generation, and more homes and buildings generate and store renewable energy on site, all-electric buildings are part of the transition to a zero carbon built environment.

Answer Yes to this credit if your development will use electricity only.

This is a project wide credit. The entire development must be all-electric.

For example, a mixed use development that includes all electric apartments but a restaurant using gas for cooking is not classed as an all electric development. Buildings using wood for heating or hot water are not classed as all electric.

Outdoor equipment such as portable barbeques or heaters are out of the scope of this credit and not considered, as they are not specified at the planning stage.

Documentation & evidence required


2.7 - Energy consumption

Applies to

All development


Ensure the efficient use of energy.


Points are awarded when annual energy consumption is below the benchmark for residential projects. More points are awarded for every percentage improvement in energy consumption. Maximum score is awarded for 20% reduction against the benchmark.

For non-residential projects, points are awarded for meeting the benchmark, demonstrated by commitment to deemed-to-satisfy criteria. Otherwise energy reduction is calculated from energy modelling results, which includes both building fabric and building services inputs.

Documentation & evidence required
  • If using the DtS method, provide your insulation specifications (R-values), preliminary facade calculation, heating and cooling system type and CoP/EER, and water heating system details.
  • If you are providing your own calculations for non-residential, supply modelling assumptions and results. Ensure that methods meet the requirements of the NCC Verification Method JV3 and BESS requirements.
  • If you are proposing an alternative energy modelling protocol, seek the approval from the relevant local council before proceeding.
  • For all dwellings, show heating/cooling outdoor units (condensers), solar hot water panels and clotheslines on plans.
  • If you are providing your own calculations for dwellings, supply modelling assumptions and results. Include energy and greenhouse emissions for heating, cooling, hot water and clothes drying, with calculations clearly shown.

3.1 - Carpark Ventilation

Applies to

Multi-residential, non-residential and mixed-use developments


Ensure the efficient use of energy, reduce total operating greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce energy peak demand.


Points are awarded if the building has an enclosed car park that is either:

  • (a) fully naturally ventilated (no mechanical ventilation system), or
  • (b) if the car park is 40 car spaces or less, uses Carbon Monoxide monitoring to control the operation and speed of the ventilation fans

If the development does not have an enclosed car park then this credit is 'Not applicable' and should be scoped out.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Provide a written explanation of either the fully natural ventilation or carbon monoxide monitoring, describing how these systems will work, what specifications are required for them to be fully integrated and who is responsible for their implementation throughout the design, procurement and operational phases of the building's life.
  • Note systems and specifications on plans

3.2 - Hot Water

Applies to

Non-residential developments


Ensure the efficient use of energy and to reduce consumption and greenhouse emissions from water heating.


Points are awarded when the hot water system energy consumption meets the benchmark for non-residential spaces, as demonstrated by commitment to deemed-to-satisfy (DTS) criteria or demonstrated by alternative modelling.

If you have used the built in calculation tools, the result here is calculated from previous inputs, and also from the efficiency of your hot water fittings/fixtures which are entered in the water section. To improve your result, improve the efficiency of your hot water system, add solar hot water and/or improve the efficiency of your hot water fittings/fixtures (e.g. showers in water section).

Documentation & evidence required
  • Location of hot water systems to be shown on plans.

When providing own modelling, these must include hot water system reference system set as electric storage meeting MEPS or 4 star gas storage hot water meeting MEPS, depending on the fuel type of the proposed system.

3.3 - External Lighting

Applies to

Houses and Townhouses


Ensure the efficient use of energy, to reduce energy consumption, greenhouse emissions associated with lighting, and to reduce energy peak demand.


Points are awarded when the operation of the external lighting is controlled by a motion detector. Where there are multiple external lights, at least 50% must be connected.

Documentation & evidence required

3.4 - Clothes Drying

Applies to

All residential developments


Ensure the efficient use of energy and to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse emissions associated with clothes drying


Points are awarded when clothes drying energy consumption is >10% below the benchmark (due to a combination of clothes lines and efficient mechanical dryers), as calculated by the built-in calculator or demonstrated via alternative modelling.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site or floor plans showing the location of clothes drying equipment.
Further information

BESS assesses the proposed clothesline depending on whether it is unprotected, under cover or shared. For example, BESS places more value on a private outdoor line protected from the rain, rather than a shared clothes line not protected from the rain.

BESS uses the clotheslines and clothes dryer selections to estimate energy used for clothes drying.

It is always recommended that any indoor clotheslines are located in spaces able to be naturally ventilated in order to reduce condensation risk.

3.5 - Internal Lighting - Houses and Townhouses

Applies to

Houses and townhouses


Ensure the efficient use of energy, to reduce energy consumption, greenhouse emissions associated with artificial lighting, and to reduce energy peak demand.


Points are awarded when the maximum illumination power density is 4W/sqm or less, which represents a 20% improvement on the current NCC requirements.

Documentation & evidence required

Provide information about the lighting type(s) to be used to achieve 4W/sqm

Further information

3.6 - Internal Lighting - Apartments

Applies to



Ensure the efficient use of energy, to reduce energy consumption, greenhouse emissions associated with artificial lighting, and to reduce energy peak demand.


Points are awarded when the maximum illumination power density (W/sqm) in at least 90% of the relevant building class is at least 20% lower than current NCC requirements

Documentation & evidence required

Provide a written description of the average lighting power density to be installed in the development and specify the lighting type(s) that will be used.

Further Information

3.7 - Internal Lighting - Non-Residential

Applies to

Non-residential developments


Ensure the efficient use of energy, to reduce energy consumption, greenhouse emissions associated with artificial lighting, and to reduce energy peak demand.


Points are awarded when the maximum illumination power density (W/m2) in at least 90% of the relevant building classes meets the requirements of Table J7D3a of the NCC 2022 Section J.

Documentation & evidence required

Provide a written description of the average lighting power density to be installed in the development and specify the lighting type(s) that will be used.

Further Information

4.1 - Combined Heat and Power (cogeneration / trigeneration)

Applies to

Large non-residential developments (over 1000 sqm)


Ensure the efficient use of energy and to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse emissions from building energy use.


Points are awarded when the combined heat and power system reduces annual greenhouse emissions by more than 25% for the class of building it supplies. If there is no combined heat and power system this credit is not applicable and will be automatically scoped out.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Location of the Combined Heat and Power system as described.
  • Report including details of the combined heat and power system and energy calculations.

4.2 - Renewable Energy Systems - Solar

Applies to

Multi-residential, non-residential and mixed-use developments


To encourage on-site renewable energy generation and reduce greenhouse emissions.


Points are awarded when the solar power system provides 5% of the annual energy consumption of the building class it supplies.

The solar power system annual generation is calculated using the built-in calculator.

For dwellings, the annual energy consumption includes heating, cooling and hot water.

For non-residential spaces, the annual energy consumption includes heating, cooling, hot water and lighting.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Specifications of the solar photovoltaic system
  • Site, floor and/or roof plans showing location of solar photovoltaic system as described
Further information

Sunulator is a simulation tool that can help plan for grid-connected solar power. Unlike most other solar calculators, Sunulator uses half-hourly consumption and generation data over a whole year to estimate how much solar generation will be consumed onsite versus exported. Based on electricity tariff information, it then calculates the impact on your electricity bill and projects the savings over a 30-year time frame. Financial results include payback period, net present value and return on investment.

4.4 - Renewable Energy Systems - Other

Applies to

All developments


To encourage the installation of on-site renewable energy generation, and reduce total operating greenhouse gas emissions.


Points are awarded when another form of renewable energy (not solar) provides 5% of the annual energy consumption of the building class it supplies.

This credit relates to a renewable energy system other than solar PV. If there is no other renewable system, this credit will be automatically scoped out.

Note there is no built-in calculator for other renewable energy systems. You will need to supply your own calculations and enter results directly into the credit.

Documentation & evidence required
  • A report including specifications of the renewable energy system and energy calculations
  • Site, floor and / or roof plans showing location of the renewable energy system(s) as described

4.5 - Solar PV - Houses and Townhouses

Applies to

Houses and townhouses


To encourage on-site renewable energy generation, and reduce greenhouse emissions


Points are awarded when the solar photovoltaic system provides 30% of the annual energy consumption of the building class it supplies.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Specifications of the solar photovoltaic system
  • Site, floor and/or roof plans showing location of the solar photovoltaic system as described
Further information

Sunulator is a simulation tool that can help you plan for grid-connected solar power. Unlike most other solar calculators, Sunulator uses half-hourly consumption and generation data over a whole year to estimate how much solar generation will be consumed onsite versus exported. Based on electricity tariff information, it then calculates the impact on your electricity bill and projects the savings over a 30-year time frame. Financial results include payback period, net present value and return on investment.

SunSPoT is an online platform that can be used to calculate the solar power potential of any rooftop – home, business, factory or school

Urbanisation of our towns and cities has resulted in a dramatic increase in hard and impervious surfaces, such as buildings, roads and car parks. Designing buildings to reduce stormwater runoff improves the quality of our waterways.

In the Stormwater category, BESS includes actions regarding stormwater treatment. You must meet the Urban Stormwater Management Best Practice standards for water quality (CSIRO, 1999), e.g. through min 100% STORM score, or compliant MUSIC model. Other stormwater considerations that are not captured in BESS but are also important include:

  • For industrial developments - containing polluting activities within the canopy line or within a bunded area
  • Installing gross pollutant traps where hardstand paving drains to SW system
  • Installing pervious paving where appropriate

Our Integrated Water Management Fact Sheet can help you with design strategies for your development.

1.1 - Stormwater Treatment

Applies to

All development, including residential and non-residential development


To minimise negative environmental impacts of stormwater runoff and maximise onsite re-use of stormwater


Points are awarded when a STORM rating of at least 100% or equivalent modelling results (e.g. MUSIC *) has been achieved.

*Consult with the relevant council to determine which tool is most appropriate for your development.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Copy of STORM or MUSIC report
  • Drawings indicating catchment areas, slope of paved surfaces to treatment systems, construction details of proposed treatment systems, e.g. raingardens
  • Landscape drawings indicating appropriate planting within and adjacent to treatment systems
Other Considerations

Applicants are encouraged to consider additional Stormwater Management strategies not currently included within the tool scoring, for example:

  • Installing gross pollutant traps where hardstand paving drains to SW system
  • Installing pervious paving where appropriate
  • For industrial developments - contain polluting activities within the canopy line or within a bunded area
Further Information

Best practice design for Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) means that building occupants can enjoy a comfortable space with good air quality, adequate daylight and ventilation. Australians spend on average 90 percent of their time indoors, therefore the quality of the indoor environment is vital to our health and wellbeing. Building design and material choices impact on indoor environment quality and are considered during the early design stages, making IEQ a core category of BESS. Design for IEQ will also deliver other benefits such as reduced energy use for heating, cooling and lighting.

In the IEQ category, BESS includes actions regarding daylight, ventilation, solar access and thermal comfort. Information required and points available are dependent on type and scale of the project. IEQ considerations that are not captured in BESS but are also important include:

  • Acoustic privacy
  • External views
  • Air quality
  • Toxicity of materials, e.g. Low volatile organic compound (VOC) paints, sealants and adhesives

Our Indoor Environment Quality Fact Sheet can help you with design strategies for your development.

Residential daylight pathways

For multi unit residential developments, you can opt to use the Deemed to Satisfy (DtS) method, the built in calculator or provide your own calculations for IEQ credits 1.1 and 1.2.

Deemed to Satisfy

You must satisfy ALL of the criteria below to achieve the following daylight credits:

Satisfying these criteria earns full points for these credits. Under the DtS method there is no partial compliance.

If you cannot meet the Deemed to Satisfy criteria, it may still be possible to achieve daylight credit points by using the BESS built-in daylight calculator, or by providing your own daylight modelling.

Deemed to Satisfy Criteria
  • Are all living areas and bedrooms less than 8m deep (5m if south facing)?
  • Do all living areas and bedrooms have a floor-to-ceiling height of at least 2.7m?
  • Does all glazing to living areas achieve at least 60% Visible Light Transmittance (VLT)?
  • Do all living areas have an external facing window (not into a courtyard, light well or other major obstruction)?
  • Does the building(s) comply with all of the requirements of the building separation tables?
Table 1. Building separation to adjacent properties
Minimum building separation (measured from property boundary)
Building Height Living/Main balcony outlook to boundary line Bedroom outlook to boundary line
Up to 4 storeys / 12 metres 6 metres 3 metres
5-8 storeys / up to 25 metres 9 metres 4.5 metres
9+ storeys / over 25 metres 12 metres 6 metres


1. Building separation is not required to the side or rear boundary where no outlook is proposed provided it does not affect the reasonable development opportunity of the adjoining site.

2. Zero building separation applies on sites where a continuous street wall is encouraged under the relevant place based planning controls.

3. Where existing dwellings have not incorporated access to daylight to habitable rooms on their own site in accordance with the building separation standards, the building separation standards will only apply to new development to the extent necessary to achieve comparable contribution (from a minimum of 1 metre and a maximum of 3 metres) of daylight into the habitable rooms of the proposed dwellings.

4. The building separation requirements commence at the first level of residential use

Table 2. Building separation to a lane
Minimum building separation
Building Height Living/Main balcony outlook Bedroom outlook
2 storeys / 9 metres 0 metres (from boundary) 0 metres (from boundary)
3-8 storeys / up to 25 metres 6 metres (from lane centre line) 3 metres (from lane centre line)
9+ storeys / over 25 metres 9 metres (from lane centre line) 6 metres (from lane centre line)


1. The building separation requirements commence at the first level of residential use

Table 3. Building separation for buildings within sites
Minimum building separation
Building Height Living / Main balcony outlook to Living / Main balcony outlook Bedroom outlook to bedroom outlook Living / Main balcony outlook to bedroom outlook Living / Main balcony outlook to no outlook Bedroom outlook to no outlook
Up to 4 storeys / 12 metres 12 metres 6 metres 9 metres 6 metres 3 metres
5-8 storeys / up to 25 metres 18 metres 9 metres 13.5 metres 9 metres 4.5 metres
9+ storeys / over 25 metres 24 metres 12 metres 18 metres 12 metres 6 metres


1. The building separation requirements commence at the first level of residential use

Table 4. Lightwell Minimum areas and dimensions (considered a building separation table)
Building Height Minimum lightwell area and dimension
Up to 4 storeys / 12 metres 9m2 (minimum width 3m)
5-8 storeys / up to 25 metres 29m2 (minimum width 4.5m)
9+ storeys / over 25 metres 51m2 (minimum width 6m)


1. The light court minimum areas and dimensions may need to be varied for buildings containing multiple levels of non-residential uses

2. The minimum area and dimension must be achieved for the entire depth of the light well.

3. The minimum width should be read as the minimum dimension in plan view. This could be either the width or length depending on how these are applied.

Built in calculation tools

For multi unit residential developments, you can opt to use the built in calculators for IEQ credits 1.1 and 1.2.

In order to use these calculators you will need to group all habitable rooms (living areas and bedrooms) into the following categories

  • Living areas that would meet the Deemed-to-Satisfy criteria provided above. These can be assigned to Auto-Pass
  • Bedrooms that would meet the Deemed-to-Satisfy criteria provided above. These can be assigned to Auto-Pass
  • Living areas of varying orientation
  • Bedrooms of varying orientation

For each of the groupings that are not achieving Auto Pass classification provide an average of the following:

  • Room Floor Area
  • Vertical Angle
  • Horizontal Angle
  • Window Area
  • Glass Type

Provide your own calculations

For multi unit residential and non-residential developments, you can opt to provide daylight modelling using third party software

In order to meet the requirements for multi-residential developments daylight modelling should be conducted to all living areas and bedrooms of varying orientation and configuration

In order to meet the requirements for non-residential developments daylight modelling should be conducted to all occupiable areas other than ancillary areas

The modelling software will need to be able to provide an output for Daylight Factor (DF) which is the ratio of the light level inside a structure to the light level outside the structure

A report of the modelling should be provided as evidence for the related credits with the BESS report and include the following:

  • Modelling software including version and release date
  • Location and co-ordinates
  • Time of year and time of day
  • Sky conditions
  • Orientation
  • Visual Light Transmission (VLT) for all glazing modelled.
  • Reflectance surface properties
  • A 3d view to indicate that the adjoining developments have been modelled. Model adjacent buildings per their likely developed form based on current zoning (mirrored). Confirm this with the relevant council if potential future development on adjoining lots is unclear.
  • Plan views of the assessed apartment that graphically show the extent of daylight penetration to the apartment which will support the stated figures.

1.1 - Daylight Access - Living Areas

Applies to

Multi-unit development (Apartments, aged care and hotels)


To provide a high level of amenity and energy efficiency through design for natural light.


Points are awarded where at least 80% of the total number of living areas achieve a daylight factor greater than 1% to 90% of the floor area of each living area, including kitchens. Additional points are awarded where 100% of dwellings comply. This can be demonstrated by using the in-built BESS daylight calculator or by alternative daylight modelling where the alternative methodology is accepted by Council.

Documentation & evidence required

If using the BESS daylight calculator:

  • References to floor plans and elevations showing window sizes and sky angles

If using an alternative daylight modelling program:

  • A short report detailing assumptions used and results achieved.
Other Considerations
  • Daylight modelling using third party software may be more appropriate than the BESS daylight calculator where neighbouring properties are too close to allow for vertical sky angle to be calculated.
  • Lightly coloured materials will improve reflectivity. Consider using lightly coloured materials surfaces near windows, such as window sills and jambs.
  • Specify glazing with high Visual Light Transmittance (VLT) and combine this with shading systems such as blinds, overhangs or retractable awnings, rather than using heavily tinted glass.
  • Light shelves can increase daylight penetration by 'bouncing' light deeper into a room
  • The BESS daylight calculator only works for rooms which have a single aspect only (i.e 1 window to the space) as rooms with more than one aspect are deemed to have adequate daylight
Further Information

1.2 - Daylight Access - Bedrooms

Applies to

Multi-unit development (Apartments, aged care and hotels)


To provide a high level of amenity and energy efficiency through design for natural light.


Points are awarded where at least 80% of the total number of bedrooms achieve a daylight factor greater than 0.5% to 90% of the floor area in each room. Additional points are awarded where 100% of dwellings comply. This can be demonstrated by using the in-built BESS daylight calculator or by alternative daylight modelling where the alternative methodology is accepted by Council.

Documentation & evidence required

If using the BESS daylight calculator:

  • References to floor plans and elevations showing window sizes and sky angles

If using an alternative daylight modelling program:

  • A short report detailing assumptions used and results achieved.
Other Considerations
  • Daylight modelling using third party software may be more appropriate than the BESS daylight calculator where neighbouring properties are too close to allow for vertical sky angle to be calculated.
  • Lightly coloured materials will improve reflectivity. Consider using lightly coloured materials surfaces near windows, such as window sills and jambs.
  • Specify glazing with high Visual Light Transmittance (VLT) and combine this with shading systems such as blinds, overhangs or retractable awnings, rather than using heavily tinted glass.
  • Light shelves can increase daylight penetration by 'bouncing' light deeper into a room
Further Information

1.3 - Winter Sunlight

Applies to

Multi-unit development (Apartments, aged care and hotels)


To provide a high level of amenity and reduce need for artificial heating in winter.


Points are awarded where at least 70% of dwellings receive at least 3 hours of direct sunlight in all Living areas between 9am and 3pm in mid-winter. This can be demonstrated on plans or by modelling (in conjunction with daylight modelling).

Documentation & evidence required

If demonstrating winter sunlight access on plans:

  • References to floor plans and elevations showing window sizes, orientations and sky angles

If using a modelling program:

  • A short report detailing assumptions used and results achieved.
Other Considerations
  • Ensure that winter and summer needs are balanced by providing shading that allows winter sunlight but blocks summer sun.
Further Information

1.4 - Daylight Access - Non-Residential

Applies to

All non-residential development


To provide a high level of amenity and energy efficiency through design for natural light.


This is a mandatory credit. A minimum score of 33% is required in this credit to pass the IEQ category.

The credit may be scoped out for projects where daylight is not appropriate. For example in cinemas.

To claim this credit, you must use daylight modelling software or daylight calculations to show the % of floor area achieving the target daylight factor of 2%, assuming a uniform design sky of 10,000 lux.

Points are awarded where it is demonstrated that a minimum of 33% of regular use areas (by floor area) achieves the target daylight factor.

Additional points are awarded where a higher proportion of regular use areas (by floor area) achieves the target daylight factor.

Maximum points are awarded where 100% of regular use areas (by floor area) achieves the target daylight factor.

Documentation & evidence required
  • A short report detailing assumptions used and results achieved.
  • The Green Star Hand Calculation Method is an acceptable method of demonstrating compliance
Other Considerations
  • Before undertaking daylight modelling, use rules of thumb to check whether the target daylight factor is likely to be achieved. To achieve a 2% daylight factor, maximum room depth is approximately three times the window head height (i.e. a room depth more than 7-10 meters is unlikely to meet the target daylight factor).

1.5 - Daylight Access - Minimal Internal Bedrooms

Applies to

Multi-unit development (Apartments, aged care and hotels)


To provide a high level of amenity and energy efficiency through design for natural light and ventilation.


Points are awarded where at least 90% of dwellings have an external window in all bedrooms. The provision of sliding walls to internal bedrooms is not sufficient to demonstrate access to an external window.  Internal bedrooms with sliding walls are considered to be borrowed light bedrooms.

Documentation & evidence required

2.1 - Effective Natural Ventilation

Applies to

Multi-unit development (Apartments, aged care and hotels)


To provide fresh air and passive cooling opportunities.


Points are awarded where >60% of dwellings are effectively naturally ventilated. Additional points are awarded where 100% of dwellings are naturally ventilated. To qualify, living areas and bedrooms must meet the rules for either cross ventilation or single-sided ventilation, as follows:

Cross ventilation

  • A breeze path between 2 ventilation openings either within the room or from one room to another.
  • Breeze path length less than 15m measured between ventilation openings and around internal walls, obstructions & partitions.
  • Ventilation openings located either in opposite or adjacent external walls or an external wall and an operable skylight.
  • Size of ventilation openings greater than 2% of total floor area or 1m2, whichever is greater. The opening is the maximum allowable clear open area for the window. ie if floor area of room is 55m² then clear open area of window / door must be at least 1.1m²
  • No more than 1 doorway or opening <2m² between the ventilation openings.
  • Where the breeze path travels through an internal door, that door must be provided with door catches.
  • If on adjacent walls, ventilation openings must be at least 3m apart at their closest point. This is to ensure the space has reasonable ventilation throughout and not just in one corner.
  • If relying on a courtyard adjacent to a ventilation opening the courtyard must have a minimum depth of 3m from the window or be a minimum size of 9m2

Single-sided ventilation

  • Maximum permissible depth of room 5m.
  • Separated openings high and low or split across the width of the room/facade, each 5% of the floor area are preferred.

Mechanically Assisted Natural Ventilation

  • Delivering fresh air rates of between 2.5 - 5 L/s/m2 (results should be supported by calculations)
Documentation & evidence required
  • Floorplans with compliant dwellings marked, or a list of dwellings that comply.

2.2 - Cross Flow Ventilation

Applies to

Single dwellings and multi-dwelling (dual occupancy, townhouse, villa unit etc)


To provide fresh air and passive cooling opportunities.


Points are awarded where all habitable rooms are designed to achieve natural cross flow ventilation. All habitable rooms must meet the rules for cross ventilation as follows:

  • A breeze path between 2 ventilation openings either within the room or from one room to another.
  • Breeze path length less than 15m measured between ventilation openings and around internal walls, obstructions & partitions.
  • Ventilation openings located either in opposite or adjacent external walls or an external wall and an operable skylight.
  • Size of ventilation openings greater than 2% of total floor area or 1m2, whichever is greater. The opening is the maximum allowable clear open area for the window. ie if floor area of room is 55m² then clear open area of window / door must be at least 1.1m²
  • No more than 1 doorway or opening <2m² between the ventilation openings.
  • Where the breeze path travels through an internal door, that door must be provided with door catches.
  • If on adjacent walls, ventilation openings must be at least 3m apart at their closest point. This is to ensure the space has reasonable ventilation throughout and not just in one corner.
  • If relying on a courtyard adjacent to a ventilation opening the courtyard must have a minimum depth of 3m from the window or be a minimum size of 9m2
Documentation & evidence required

Floorplans with compliant dwellings marked, or a list of dwellings that comply.

2.3 - Ventilation - Non-Residential

Applies to

All non-residential development


To provide fresh air and passive cooling opportunities.


This is a mandatory credit. A minimum score of 33% is required in this credit to pass the IEQ category.

Points are awarded as follows:

There are three approaches in this credit. Each approach can contribute a maximum of 50% to the credit score.

a. Natural ventilation

Where a minimum of 60% or more of the regular use areas are effectively naturally ventilated.

Additional points are awarded where a higher proportion of the regular use areas are effectively naturally ventilated.

Maximum points are awarded where 100% of the regular use areas are effectively ventilated.

b. Outdoor air

Where an increase in outdoor air (in L/s) of at least 50% above AS 1668.2:2012 is available.

Additional points are awarded where a higher increase in outdoor air (in L/s) above AS 1668.2:2012 is available.

Maximum points are awarded where an increase in outdoor air (in L/S) of 100% above AS 1668.2:2012 is available.

c. CO2 concentration

Where the ventilation systems are designed and monitored to maintain a maximum absolute CO2 concentration of 800ppm.

Additional points are awarded where the the ventilation systems are designed and monitored to maintain a lower CO2 concentration.

Maximum points are awarded where the ventilation systems are designed and monitored to maintain an absolute CO2 concentration of 500ppm or lower.

A combination of these approaches can be chosen to achieve the maximum 100% credit score.

Effective cross flow ventilation

  • A breeze path between 2 ventilation openings either within the room or from one room to another.
  • Breeze path length less than 15m measured between ventilation openings and around internal walls, obstructions & partitions.
  • Areas within 5m of a straight line breeze path, in line of sight of the breeze path and within the same room as the breeze path can be included in the area considered effectively naturally ventilated.
  • Ventilation openings located either in opposite or adjacent external walls or an external wall and an operable skylight.
  • Size of ventilation openings greater than 2% of total floor area or 1sqm, whichever is greater. The opening is the maximum allowable clear open area for the window. ie if floor area of room is 55sqm then clear open area of window / door must be at least 1.1sqm.
  • No more than 1 doorway or opening <2sqm between the ventilation openings.
  • Where the breeze path travels through an internal door, that door must be provided with door catches.
  • If on adjacent walls, ventilation openings must be at least 3m apart at their closest point. This is to ensure the space has reasonable ventilation throughout and not just in one corner.
  • If relying on a courtyard adjacent to a ventilation opening the courtyard must have a minimum depth of 3m from the window or be a minimum size of 9sqm.

Effective natural single-sided ventilation

One of the following:

  • Maximum permissible depth of room 5m with separated openings high and low or split across the width of the room/facade, each 5% of the floor area.
  • Total area of openings should be a minimum of 30% of floor area.
Documentation & evidence required
  • For effective natural ventilation, floorplans with compliant areas marked.
  • For outdoor air greater than AS 1668.2:2012, calculated requirement and proposed outdoor air provisions.
  • For CO2 concentrations, proposed approach to achieve this air quality and details of monitoring and control.

3.1 - Thermal comfort - Double Glazing

Applies to

Single dwellings and multi-dwelling (dual occupancy, townhouse, villa unit etc)


To provide comfortable indoor spaces and reduce energy needed for heating and cooling


Points are awarded where double glazing (or better) is used for all habitable room windows.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Reference to floor plans or energy modelling showing the glazing specification (U-value and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient, SHGC)
Other Considerations

Consider the window frame as well as the glass type. 'Thermally broken' window frames (available in timber or aluminium) reduce heat transfer through the frame itself.

A preliminary building energy rating (NatHERS / FirstRate5 assessment) will help you optimise your design for passive heating and cooling.

Further Information

3.2 - Thermal Comfort - External Shading

Applies to

Single dwellings and multi-dwelling (dual occupancy, townhouse, villa unit etc)


To provide comfortable indoor spaces and reduce energy needed for heating and cooling


Points are awarded where appropriate external shading is provided to all east, west and north facing habitable room windows.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Reference to floor plans and elevations showing shading devices. 
Other Considerations

Fixed external shading to north facing glazing, such as overhanging eaves, can reduce excessive heat gain in summer while allowing warming winter sun to reach the glazing. As a rule of thumb eaves width should measure 25% of the height from the window sill and the bottom of the eaves. Note that this rule of thumb now aligns with the latest Energy Smart Housing Manual.

A variety of shading options are suitable for east and west facing glazing, including verticle shading structures such as adjustable louvres, as well as sliding screens, pergolas and roof overhangs, awnings and verandas.

A preliminary building energy rating (NatHERS / FirstRate5 assessment) will help you optimise your design for passive heating and cooling.

Further Information

3.3 - Thermal Comfort - Orientation

Applies to

Single dwellings and multi-dwelling (dual occupancy, townhouse, villa unit etc)


To provide comfortable indoor spaces and reduce energy needed for heating and cooling. Orientating living areas to the north provides the best opportunity for passive heating.


Points are awarded where main living areas have been orientated to the north. 'North' includes 20°W–30°E of true (or solar) north. You can select 'Yes' for this action where you have used clerestory windows to get northern sun penetration into living areas.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Reference to floor plans showing living areas orientated to the north.
Other Considerations

For any north facing window, consider sun and heat penetration in both summer and winter. Use shading systems that will allow winter sun penetration and shade windows during the hot summer months.

Further Information

3.4 - Thermal comfort - Shading - Non-Residential

Applies to

All non-residential development


To provide comfortable indoor spaces and reduce energy needed for cooling.


Points are awarded where a minimum of 50% of east, west and north facing glazing (by area) to regular use areas has appropriate external shading.

Additional points are awarded where a higher percentage of glazing has appropriate external shading.

Maximum points are awarded where all east, west and north facing glazing has appropriate external shading.

Documentation & evidence required

Reference to floor plans and elevations showing shading devices.

Other Considerations

Fixed external shading to north facing glazing, such as overhanging eaves, can reduce excessive heat gain in summer while allowing warming winter sun to reach the glazing.

A variety of shading options are suitable for east and west facing glazing, including vertical shading structures such as adjustable louvres, as well as sliding screens, pergolas and roof overhangs, awnings and verandas.

3.5 - Thermal Comfort - Ceiling Fans - Non-Residential

Applies to

All non-residential development


To provide comfortable indoor spaces and reduce energy needed for heating and cooling.


Points are awarded where a minimum of 50% of regular use areas in tenancies are serviced by ceiling fans.

Additional points are awarded where a higher proportion of the regular use areas are serviced by ceiling fans.

Maximum points are awarded when 100% of the regular use areas are serviced by ceiling fans.

Ceiling fans are to permanently installed and have a speed controller. The floor area served by a ceiling fan is to be the lessor of:

  • Manufacturer's recommendations
  • 15sqm for a blade rotation diameter 900mm or greater but less than 1200mm
  • 25sqm for a blade rotation diameter of 1200mm or greater
Documentation & evidence required

Floor plans showing areas serviced by ceiling fans.

4.1 - Air Quality - Non-Residential

Applies to

All non-residential development


To reduce harmful indoor air pollutants by encouraging use of materials with low and non toxic chemicals.


Points are awarded where all products of a relevant product type meet maximum total indoor pollutant emission limits.

The relevant product types are:

  • paints, sealants and adhesives
  • carpets
  • engineered wood

Maximum points are awarded where all products of all relevant product types meet maximum total indoor pollutant emission limits.

Specify products that meet current GECA, Global GreenTag GreenRate, Carpet Institute Australia Environmental Classification Scheme Level 2, Green Star or WELL standards for TVOC in paints, adhesives and sealants (by volume) and carpets (by area) and for Formaldehyde in engineered wood (by area).

Documentation & evidence required

Demonstration of standards being committed to for each product type.

In Australia, cars account for approximately 50 percent of our total transport greenhouse gas emissions. The other half includes emissions from trucks, buses, aviation, railways and shipping. In addition to contributing to global warming, car exhaust contains toxic pollutants that are dangerous to our health. As the population of cities increases so does traffic congestion, further multiplying the amount of exhaust pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions in our air.

Simple design decisions can influence ways in which our reliance on cars can be reduced and can also incorporate alternative forms of transport into your building design.

In the Transport category, BESS includes actions regarding bicycle parking, end of trip facilities and car share schemes. Other transport considerations that are not captured in BESS but are also important include:

  • Walkability – Is your site pedestrian friendly?
  • Is your site within close proximity to public transport?
  • Consider submitting a Green Travel Plan

Our Transport Fact Sheet can help you with design strategies for your development.

1.1 - Bicycle Parking - Residential

Applies to

All residential development


To encourage and recognise initiatives that facilitate cycling


Points are awarded when at least 1 secure bicycle space is provided per dwelling. The number of parking spaces required to claim points is displayed within the tool. Bicycle parking should be visible, accessible and convenient for residents, with a clear path of travel from the building entrance and including wayfaring signage when bicycle parking is located in a central room or cage.  This credit is not available for mounted bicycle parking above car bonnets due to access difficulties when a car is parked in the space.  Additional points are available under a separate credit where bicycle parking is located at ground level for the convenience of residents. 

Documentation & evidence required
  • A secure bicycle parking storage space per dwelling has been indicated on the floor plans indicating with notations what storage system rack will be adopted and what areas need to be allowed for clearance and access to the racks. The overall number of spaces should also be notated.
Further Information

1.2 - Bicycle Parking - Residential Visitor

Applies to

All residential development with five dwellings or more.


To encourage and recognise initiatives that facilitate cycling


Points are awarded when at least 1 visitor bicycle parking space is provided for every five dwellings (or part thereof). The number of parking spaces required to claim points is displayed within the tool. Visitor parking should be located near site entrances.


  • A project with 10 dwellings would require 2 visitor bicycle parking spaces
  • A project with 11 dwellings would require 3 visitor bicycle parking spaces
  • A project with 15 dwellings would require 3 visitor bicycle parking spaces
Documentation & evidence required
  • Bicycle parking spaces are indicated on the floor plans, including which rack system will be adopted and what areas need to be allowed for clearance and access to the racks. The overall number of spaces should also be notated.
Further Information

1.3 - Bicycle Parking - Convenience Residential

Applies to

Apartment developments


To facilitate cycling by providing easily accessible parking infrastructure


This credit is available as additional points where the residential bicycle parking credit has been achieved, and these parking spaces are located at ground or entry level. Convenience of bicycle parking is a significant factor in cycling uptake by residents.

The criteria is met for resident bicycle parking that is easily accessible from street level either at grade or by ramps with parking floor level within 1m of entry floor level.

Bicycle parking located on mounted racks above car bonnets is not classified as convenient, due to access difficulties when a car is parked in the space.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Bicycle parking spaces (as per the residential bicycle parking spaces credit) are indicated on the floor plans on ground level

1.4 - Bicycle Parking - Non-Residential

Applies to

All non-residential development


To encourage and recognise initiatives that facilitate cycling


Points are awarded where planning scheme requirements for employee bicycle parking have been exceeded by at least 50%. See Clause 52.34 of the Victorian Planning Provisions to calculate the minimum requirement for your building use. To claim this credit you must provide 1.5 x Min VPP Employee/Resident requirement (rounded down to the nearest whole number)

Documentation & evidence required
  • Bicycle parking spaces are indicated on the floor plans, including which rack system will be adopted and what areas need to be allowed for clearance and access to the racks. The overall number of spaces should also be notated.
Further Information

1.5 - Bicycle Parking - Non-Residential Visitor

Applies to

All non-residential development


To encourage and recognise initiatives that facilitate cycling


Points are awarded where planning scheme requirements for visitor bicycle parking have been exceeded by at least 50%. See Clause 52.34 of the Victorian Planning Provisions ( to calculate the minimum requirement for your building use. To claim this credit you must provide 1.5 x Min VPP Visitor/Shopper/Student requirement (rounded down to the nearest whole number)

Documentation & evidence required
  • Bicycle parking spaces are indicated on the floor plans, including which rack system will be adopted and what areas need to be allowed for clearance and access to the racks. The overall number of spaces should also be notated.
Further Information

1.6 - End of Trip Facilities - Non-Residential

Applies to

All non-residential development


To minimise car dependency and to ensure that the built environment is designed to promote the use of public transport, walking and cycling.


Points are awarded when a proposal achieves the bicycle parking credits for non-residential developments and provide accessible showers (1 per 10 bicycles spaces or part thereof), changing facilities adjacent to showers and one secure locker per bicycle space in the changing facilities.


  • A project with 10 bicycle parking spaces would require 1 accessible shower and 10 lockers
  • A project with 11 bicycle parking spaces would require 2 accessible showers and 11 lockers
  • A project with 15 bicycle parking spaces would require 2 accessible shower and 15 lockers
Documentation & evidence required

Include on the floor plans:

  • Accessible showers that are within 100 metres  of the building entry at a rate of 1 per 10 bicycle spaces which are located within the change facilities and are notated to dispense hot and cold water and have efficient fixtures as compliant with the water efficiency section of this tool.
  • Change facilities adjacent to showers which include a wash basin with efficient fixtures as compliant with the water efficiency section of this tool, a bench, and are notated to include a hook, mirror and general power outlet.
  • 1 secure locker per bicycle space in the changing facilities with a minimum dimensions of 300mm(w) x 450mm(d) x 900mm(h)
Further Information

2.1 - Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Applies to

All development, including residential and non residential.


To minimise car dependency and to ensure that the built environment is designed to promote the use of public transport, walking and cycling.


Points are be awarded when facilities are provided for the charging of electric vehicles.  At a minimum, one parking space should be nominated for electric vehicle charging, with appropriate signage and charging infrastructure installed.

If your development does not have any parking then this credit is N/A and can be scoped out.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site or floor plans indicating location of designated electric vehicle parking bay(s) and location of charging infrastructure.
Further Information

2.2 - Car Share Scheme

Applies to

Apartment developments and non-residential developments.


To minimise car dependency and to ensure that the built environment is designed to promote the use of public transport, walking and cycling.


Points are awarded when a formal car sharing scheme is integrated into the development. This credit can be scoped out in locations where car share schemes are not yet economically feasible.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site or floor plans indicating designated car share vehicle space(s).
Further Information

2.3 - Motorbikes / Mopeds

Applies to

All multi-unit residential developments & non-residential developments


To minimise car dependency and to ensure that the built environment is designed to promote the use of public transport, walking and cycling.


Points are awarded when a minimum of 5% or 5 parking spaces are designed and labelled for motorbikes or mopeds/scooters. If your development does not have any parking then this credit is N/A and can be scoped out.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site and floor plans indicating the number of designated motorbike parking spaces

Up to 40 per cent of the waste going to Australia’s landfills is related to the construction and demolition of buildings. Simple design decisions can influence the amount of construction waste being produced and operational waste streams being separated.

Even more waste is produced during the occupancy phase of buildings. Poor waste practices and treatment of the environment in the past have not only lead to a degradation of our water, air and land resources but also represent a big financial burden to current and future generations.

In the Waste category, BESS includes actions regarding building re-use, food & garden waste and convenience of recycling.

Our Waste and Resource Recovery Fact Sheet can help you with design strategies for your development.

1.1 - Building Re-Use

Applies to

All development


To ensure waste avoidance, reuse and recycling during the design and construction stages of development.


Points are awarded when the development is on a site that has been previously developed and at least 30% of the existing building been re-used. This can include retention of existing dwelling/s when adding dwellings to a site.

If your site has not been previously developed, then this credit is not applicable and should be scoped out.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site and floor plans showing the total existing building area prior to any changes and the existing retained area in the new proposal.
  • Provide calculations that demonstrate the percentage of the existing building being retained.
Further Information

2.1 - Food & Garden Waste

Applies to

All development


To ensure waste avoidance, reuse and recycling during the operational life of the building.


Points are awarded when it is demonstrated that facilities will be provided for on-site management of food and garden waste. Using site plans, identify proposed site uses, such as food and beverage tenancies, domestic kitchens or garden areas, which may generate high levels of organic waste, and identify areas on the site for storage of organic waste.

You may also claim this credit if occupants have access to a collection system but this must include both food and garden waste. Check whether you may claim this credit with the relevant council if you are proposing council collection of FOGO bins.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site plans indicating an area dedicated to on-site management of food and garden waste
  • Details of the organic waste system and who will be responsible for its implementation and management.

2.2 - Convenience of Recycling

Applies to

Multi-residential and non-residential


To ensure waste avoidance, reuse and recycling during the operational life of the building.


Points are awarded where it is demonstrated that recycling facilities are as conveniently located as those for general waste.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Floor plans showing recycling facilities at the point of disposal(i.e. kitchens)
  • Floor plans showing the location of separate waste and recycling chutes in multi storey developments.
Further Information

In highly urbanised environments, it is important to maintain and enhance the health of our urban ecosystems, not only for local flora and fauna but also for ourselves.

There is much we can do in our metropolitan areas to overcome the loss of natural processes and improve liveability for people, flora and fauna. One of the easiest actions involves decreasing the areas of hard or impervious surfaces and at the same time increasing vegetation and landscaping. Research indicates that landscaping in metropolitan environments can reduce air conditioning costs by up to 50%, just by providing shading. What's more, green spaces in cities have been closely linked with improved physical, social and mental well-being.

In the Urban Ecology category, BESS includes actions regarding communal spaces, vegetation, food production and green walls, roofs & facades.

Our Urban Ecology Fact Sheet can help you with design strategies for your development.

1.1 - Communal Spaces

Applies to

Multi-unit residential development and non-residential development.


To encourage and recognise initiatives that facilitate interaction between building occupants.


Points are awarded where there is at least the following amount of common space (m2):

  • 1m2 for each of the first 50 occupants
  • Additional 0.5m2 for each occupant between 51 and 250
  • Additional 0.25m2 for each occupant above 251

Communal spaces are places where people gather for social exchange. They can be outdoors or indoors, and can include rooftop gardens, communal courtyards with seating and bbq facilities, gyms, community rooms for use and hire within the building and other spaces where people can gather.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site and/or floor plan showing the amount of common space. The floor plan drawings highlighting communal space area and calculations of size.

2.1 - Vegetation

Applies to

All development


To encourage and recognise the use of vegetation and landscaping within and around developments


The vegetated area is the total area with plantings, including garden beds and turf, but not including hard landscaping elements such as paving or decks, nor bin areas or storage sheds.

Points are awarded where the site is vegetated, as follows:

  • >5% site area - 25%
  • >10% site area - 50%
  • >20% site area - 75%
  • >30% site area - 100%
Documentation & evidence required
  • Plans showing vegetated areas.

2.2 - Green Roofs

Applies to

All development


To encourage the appropriate use of green roofs, walls and facades to mitigate the impact of the urban heat island effect.


Points are awarded when a green roof is included in the development

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site plans showing the green roof area.
  • Preliminary investigation into plant selection, substrate materials and structural support required.
Further Information

2.3 - Green Walls and Facades

Applies to

All development


To encourage the appropriate use of green roofs, walls and facades to mitigate the impact of the urban heat island effect.


Points are awarded when a green wall or façade is included in the development.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site plans showing the green wall or facade area.
  • Preliminary investigation into plant selection, substrate materials and structural support required.
Further Information

2.4 - Private Open Space - Balcony / Courtyard Ecology

Applies to

Multi-residential development


To encourage plants in a healthy ecological context to be grown on balconies and in courtyards


Points are awarded where all balconies, courtyards and roof terraces (as applicable) have a water supply (tap) and a wastewater connection (drain).

Townhouses without balconies but with backyard patio and garden areas can claim this credit if they meet the tap and drainage requirements.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site and/or floor plans showing water supply and drainage points.
Other Considerations

Applicants are encouraged to consider additional strategies such as built in garden beds to encourage gardening.

3.1 - Food Production - Residential

Applies to

Residential development


To encourage the production of fresh food on-site


Points are awarded when there is at least 0.25m2 of space per resident dedicated to food production. An estimate of the number of residents is calculated within the tool based on the number of dwellings and the number of bedrooms within each dwelling.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site and/or floor plans showing the amount of area dedicated to food production (make reference to town planning drawing numbers).

3.2 - Food Production - Non-Residential

Applies to

Non-residential development


To encourage the production of fresh food on-site


Points are awarded when there is at least 0.25m2 of space per occupant dedicated to food production. An estimate of the number of occupants is calculated within the tool based on the National Construction Code (NCC) Australian Standard 1668.2 - see the Tool Notes Overview section for occupancy rates.

Documentation & evidence required
  • Site and/or floor plans showing the amount of area dedicated to food production.

The objective of the Innovation category is to encourage design features and technologies that are not recognised elsewhere within BESS because they are new to Victoria, or because they go well beyond the best practice standard in BESS.

1.1 - Innovation

Up to 10 points are available, made up of individual actions worth either 1 or 2 points. As the user, self-nominate whether you think your innovation action qualifies for 1 or 2 points. Actions nominated for 2 points must demonstrate multiple social and/or environmental benefits. 

A minimum project score of 50% is required before an Innovation Credit can be used.

Final points awarded are at the discretion of the assessing officer at your Council.

Innovation points will not be awarded for actions covered elsewhere in BESS unless it can be demonstrated that the action goes well beyond the best practice standard in BESS.

  • Review all sustainable development initiatives relating to the design, construction and operation of the proposed development.
  • Determine whether any of the initiatives proposed are design features or technologies that deliver an improved environmental performance.
  • Determine whether the design feature or technology is new or not commonly applied in the area where the development is situated.
  • Prepare a synopsis of the proposed design feature or technology, including how it is innovative in relation to its introduction to the built environment in the area where the development is situated, what the social and/or environmental benefit is and a measure of the benefit if applicable.

Welcome to BESS, a sustainable design assessment tool for buildings at the planning permit stage.

You are currently viewing the BESS-8 Tool Notes.

BESS supports the ‘Sustainable Design Assessment in the Planning Process’ framework and the Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) Local Planning Policies. BESS assesses projects against a benchmark in nine environmental categories.

In many Victorian councils, planning permit applicants are asked to submit information about how the proposed development addresses sustainability, either as:

  • a Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA), for small scale developments, or
  • a Sustainability Management Plan (SMP), for large scale developments

A BESS report can be used to support these submissions.

The triggers for an SDA or SMP, and the definition of small and large scale, is set by individual councils based on the local development context. Check your relevant council's website.

Our Sustainable Design in Planning Fact Sheet can help you with your development.

The BESS interface is dynamic – the questions you are asked and the information you must provide are tailored to the size and type of your development.

This means that your experience using BESS will be quite different if you are using it to assess a single home or renovation compared with a large mixed-use development (such as an apartment complex with retail and office space).

We recommend that BESS is used in Chrome or Firefox.

Getting Started

Creating your account

If you’re a first time user, the first step is to register your details and create an account. Your BESS account stores all historical projects for your access at any time.

Once you register an account, BESS emails you to confirm your registration. Once your registration is confirmed you can start using BESS. Check your spam / junk folder if you can’t find the confirmation email.

You can edit your account profile details, such as the name, email and password, by navigating to your account icon and selecting 'My profile'.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Registration sits with the individual email address used to create the account
  • Projects sit within individual accounts. Projects cannot be shared between accounts
  • Only the people with access to the account can modify the projects within that account.
  • Projects can be transferred to another account on request – contact the BESS team via the Contact form
  • You cannot copy or delete an account. If you would like your account deleted, contact the BESS team via the Contact form

Some organisations have set up a common account with a generic email so that multiple people from the organisation can access a single account.

Project Portfolio

When you login and access your account, your project list will automatically appear.

The most recent projects are shown. If you click on ‘view all projects’ or the ‘projects’ tab in the header, all your projects will appear.

From this page, you can create a new project. When you do this, BESS will set up a project with a unique project number.

Once you have created a project you can:

  • Edit it
  • Publish it
  • View an existing published version
  • Copy it, or
  • Delete it - if it hasn't been published.

Navigating BESS

When you are within a project, the left sidebar serves as a useful summary and can also be used to navigate around BESS. It shows:

  • The Project Name
  • The current BESS Score. This is determined by the category scores, factoring in the weighting of each category.
  • The current score in each BESS environmental category
  • Address of the property
  • The unique BESS project number
  • The current project status, e.g. Draft, Published
  • Whether the project is accessible to council.

Accessibility to council lets you choose to make your draft BESS project visible to the nominated council. This defaults to ‘No’ when a new project is established. It can be changed at any time. If you have previously selected 'Yes' and then change this to 'No', the BESS project will no longer be visible to the council.

Making a project accessible to council is not the same as submitting a BESS assessment. Always follow the planning permit application process at your nominated council. Contact council for accepted approaches to submitting documents.

When your report is published, specific council officers in the nominated council can view (but not edit) the report.

Credits may be as simple as a Yes/No question, may require simple numerical input, or may be calculated based on a number of inputs (profiling questions).

Creating a Project

Project Setup / Project Details

From the Project portfolio page, select 'New Project'.

Basic details are required to create the project, namely the address, the Council, the site area, and the site type. You are then asked to set up your buildilngs, dwellings and non-residential spaces, as applicable.

The details you enter here determine which questions and credits are applicable for your project.

Project Name

The Project Name defaults to the project address. You may change this manually.

Project Address

BESS uses Google Maps to locate a site. If Google cannot identify the site, select the nearest address then manually amend the street address, suburb, and postcode fields.


When you enter the address, the Council Name will automatically be populated (via Google Maps). If a council cannot be found, or the council is not a BESS subscriber, this field will be left blank. It can also be overridden if needed.

In the Council field, only BESS subscriber councils are listed. You cannot complete a BESS report for a non- BESS subscribing council.

Site Type

To determine your site type, consider the following:

Site Type Definitions
Site Type Definitions
Site Type Definition
Single dwelling A new house (Class 1)
Multi dwelling (dual occupancy, townhouse, villa unit etc) A residential development with more than one new dwelling on the site, but no shared facilities (e.g. common gardens, pool, gym etc) (Class 1)
Multi-unit development (apartment building) A residential development with more than one new dwelling and with shared access / common areas and facilities (Class 2)
Non-residential development Any commercial or industrial building (see below for further building classifications)
Mixed use development A development with a combination of dwellings and non-residential spaces

You cannot progress from the New Project page until you complete all fields labelled with an asterisk. Once you have done this select 'Create Project'.

Creating Dwellings and Non-Residential Spaces

All dwellings and non-residential spaces must be created before the correct questions and credits appear on the BESS category pages. The dwellings and spaces determine which pathways, questions and credits apply to your project.


To complete the Dwellings table you will need the floor plans and elevations and other supporting documentation. You will also need to identify ‘similar dwellings’ in the project.

‘Similar dwellings' can be grouped together to streamline data input. How dwellings are entered affects your input options in the Water and Energy categories.

‘Similar dwellings’ are dwellings that are both ‘thermally similar’ and share similar systems, such as heating and cooling, hot water, rainwater connections, and water fittings and fixtures.

If 'thermally similar' dwellings have different hot water, or heating and cooling systems, or different fittings and fixtures, these should be grouped separately.

Once you have determined the groupings, enter each group into BESS, with one column representing each dwelling group. If some of the details are the same, you can use the ‘Select All’ function to make bulk edits.

For a group of dwellings, enter the average dwelling area (not the combined area).

'Thermally similar' refers to the performance of the building envelope, the orientation of the dwelling and its living spaces. ‘Thermally similar’ dwellings have similar orientation, similar heating and cooling loads, are of a similar size and have a similar number of external exposed surfaces (walls, floor, and roof).

Examples of thermally similar groupings are provided in the images here.

Image shows two, 3D rectangular prisms representing two semi-detached dwellings with a shared (party) wall. The dwellings are both shaded red, indicating they are not thermally similar to each other.

Dual Occupancy (not thermally similar due to orientation) - enter as two dwellings

Image shows a row of eight, 3D rectangular prisms representing eight connected townhouses. Three dwellings are shaded red - the two dwellings at each end plus one of the middle dwellings, indicating the thermally unique dwellings.

Townhouse Development - Rate the book end houses (3 exposed sides) and 1 internal

Image shows twenty, 3D square prisms stacked two by two and five storeys high, representing an apartment building. The dwellings on the ground floor, top floor and middle floor (4 on each floor) are shaded red, indicating the thermally unique dwellings.

Medium Density (5-10 stories) - Rate Ground floor, middle floor and top floor

Image shows many 3D square prisms in layers of eleven, representing an apartment building of arbitrary height. Half the dwellings are shaded red on the ground floor, half on the third floor, half on the sixth floor, half on the14th floor and half on the top floor, indicating the thermally unique dwellings.

High Density (10+ stories) - Rate half the apartments across 5 floors including ground floor, middle floor, top floor and two others

Non-Residential Spaces

If your project has a non-residential component, you must set up the non-residential spaces. What you input here determines which non-residential questions and credits apply to your project.

The non-residential space types are:

Non-Residential Space Types
Non-Residential Space Types
Space Type Description
Office building Class 5
Shop Class 6
Lab / Warehouse Class 7 or Class 8
Unconditioned Warehouse / factory Class 7 or Class 8 (unconditioned)
Public building Class 9 - hospitals, schools, aged care facilities
Other building Class 10
Unconditioned Showroom / machine shop Class 6 or Class 8 (unconditioned)

For Class 3 spaces, please contact the relevant council planning department to discuss how it should be input into BESS. These are most commonly included as either apartments or Other building depending on the design.

Once you have determined the groupings, enter each group into BESS, with one column representing each non-residential group. If some of the details are the same, you can use the ‘Select All’ function to make bulk edits.

Default space names are provided. You may leave these as default or modify using your own naming conventions, e.g. Office1.1, Office1.2 etc.

The area input for grouped spaces is the gross floor area of one representative (averaged) space. Alternatively, enter the combined area and set quantity to one. Do not include car parks.

How the spaces are grouped and the inputs selected for each space type will affect inputs in Water and Energy.

If different spaces in the development have different hot water, or heating and cooling systems, or different water fittings and fixtures or rainwater connections, these will need to be separated out into different groupings.

The Energy section of BESS allows for a Deem to Satisfy (DTS) method or for entering JV3 modelling results. If you are using the Energy Deem to Satisfy (DTS) method then simply use similar water systems to group your spaces. If you are using JV3 modelling inputs, then group by modelling results and similar water systems – i.e. if all spaces are modelled together, then all have a similar energy approach; if some offices are modelled separate to others, then they are not similar.

Categories and Credits


BESS assesses projects against established benchmarks in nine environmental categories. These categories are consistent with the environmental objectives in the Environmentally Sustainable Development Local Planning Policies:

  • Management
  • Water
  • Energy
  • Stormwater
  • Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ)
  • Transport
  • Waste
  • Urban Ecology
  • Innovation


Each category contains a number of credits relating to that environmental issue. Each credit contributes points toward the total score of that category. Category scores are weighted to calculate the overall BESS score.

Credits may be as simple as a Yes/No question, may require simple numerical input, or may be calculated based on a number of inputs (profiling questions).

For mixed use developments, credits may apply to the whole project, or to one or more building classes within the project.

Profiling Questions

Profiling questions are not credits – they are used for calculations that feed into credits. For example, the Energy category includes a number of profiling questions that are used to determine if the project has met a number of credits below (including GHG emissions, electricity use, hot water energy consumption etc).

Scoping Out

You can 'scope out' questions or credits that do not apply to your development.

When you select "Scope Out", you must explain why the credit is not applicable to your project. Once a credit is scoped out, the points are removed from the available points for that category. Note that scoping out credits may reduce the options available for a development to demonstrate best practice and pass the tool overall.

  • The credit Energy 3.3 - External Lighting could be scoped out where the development does not have any external lighting.
  • The credit Waste 1.1 - Construction Waste - Building Re-use could be scoped out if there are no existing buildings on the site (e.g. for a greenfield development).
  • It is acceptable to scope out a bath or washing machine in a retail development.
  • It is acceptable to scope out a urinal in a residential project.


BESS provides the opportunity for you to add additional information about a specific credit using the annotate field.

This is an optional field that can be utilised for any credit. The notes added here will appear in the final report.

Each category also has a notes field that you can use to add information not specific to a credit


Overall BESS Score

The overall BESS score is shown as a percentage, representing a percentage improvement over a benchmark project. The benchmark project is created from the project information that you input into BESS, and is based on minimum National Construction Code and Minimum Energy Performance Standards.

The BESS overall score is determined by the category scores, factoring in the weighting of each category.

  • ‘Best practice’ is defined within BESS as an overall score of 50% or higher.
  • ‘Excellence’ is defined within BESS as an overall score of 70% or higher.

Innovation category scores contribute to the project score once a project has achieved a 50% score via the other categories.

Mandatory Category Scores

In addition to the overall scoring, four BESS categories have mandatory pass scores:

  • Water - 50%
  • Energy - 50%
  • Stormwater - 100%
  • Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) - 50%

The mandatory category scores were developed with consideration to existing industry based standards. They are intended to demonstrate best practice and complement the current ESD Local Policies and the SDAPP Fact Sheets. The rationale behind this is to maintain flexibility within the tool while also driving users toward an improved outcome in these traditionally ‘core’ sustainability categories. Also, the other categories (Transport, Waste, Urban Ecology & Management) within the tool have a limited number of credits available, and are more likely to contain credits that are not universally applicable.

For mixed-use developments, BESS applies an area weighting to determine the relative contribution of each building class to the credit or category score.

Category Weightings

In the current version of BESS, the category weightings are as follows:

Category Weightings
Category Weightings
Category Weighting
Management 4.5%
Water 9.0%
Energy 27.5%
Stormwater 13.5%
IEQ 16.5%
Transport 9.0%
Waste 5.5%
Urban Ecology 5.5%
Innovation 9.0%

These weightings are based on a review of other built environment assessment tools, consideration of potential environmental impact (including longevity), opportunities for improving performance and the overall ESD performance standard.

BESS Report

Once you have completed the category pages and are ready to finalise your report, use the 'View report' button to preview your results. The report contains a complete set of all data entered, so that it can be printed and endorsed as part of a planning permit.

How did this development perform in each Environmental Category?

This graph shows the score achieved in each category relative to the total points available. It also shows the relative weightings of each category. This graph can help you understand which categories to target in order to improve your score.

How does each component of the building perform?

This section contains a summary of all data entered within the tool. Expand each section to view the detail.

Items to be marked on plans

This section provides a summary of items that must be marked on the floorplans, based on the information you have entered in BESS. You must provide a drawing reference for each item to verify this. Floorplans SHOULD NOT be uploaded to BESS.

Documents and evidence

This section provides a summary of other evidence (attachments) you must provide, based on the information you have entered in BESS. You can either upload a digital version, or nominate that you will submit a printed version. Once a document is uploaded to BESS, you can use this as evidence for multiple credits. Please provide a page reference if relevant (i.e. for longer reports).

Publishing your BESS Report

Once you are satisfied and ready to publish your report, select 'Publish for submission'. Published reports are locked to editing. Publishing a report does not mean you cannot edit your report in the future. When you click ‘Publish for submission’ a read only version of the report is created. This can be submitted to council.

Printing your BESS report

Print your report to pdf for submission to Council with your other planning permit documentation.

Use the "Print Report" button on the report page. From here, use your browser print command (either control-P, right mouse click and select 'Print', or other command for your browse). In the Print dialog box select 'Print to PDF'. If you don't have this option you will need to install a pdf printer.

Changes after submission

You may need to make changes after publishing your report. If this is the case, you can edit your draft report, and then re-publish it for submission to council. Do this under the Projects tab.

Data and Privacy

Personal Information

Data entered in BESS is stored in the cloud. To protect your privacy, BESS asks for the minimum personal information needed.

You can update your personal information or change your BESS password at any time via your account profile. Check the privacy page for more detailed information about privacy including the MAV's Privacy Policy.

Project Information

BESS projects are not visible to Council staff while in draft form, unless explicitly made accessible to Council by the user. You can allow a draft project to be viewable by council, by selecting Accessible to Council = 'Yes' in the left side bar.

This may be useful if you need to discuss the project with council before it is submitted, or you need some help to improve the BESS score.

You can make a project accessible for a period of time by selecting 'Yes', and also change this back to 'No' at any time.

Once a project is published, it is able to be viewed (read only) by the council in which it is located. This action cannot be undone.

Background Information

Occupancy Rates

Occupancy rates for different building types are built into the tool. These are used for the Energy and Water calculations, and in the Urban Ecology section for the communal spaces and food production credits.

Occupant density for residential building types is derived from ABS data.

The occupancy formula is derived from the floor area. For dwellings less than 38.6 sqm, occupancy is assumed to be 1 person. Over 587.5 sqm, occupancy is assumed to be 5 people. In between these values, the following logarithmic formula is used, Occupancy = 1.471271*LN(Area)-4.375381.

Occupant density for non-residential building types is informed by the National Construction Code and AS1668.2 (Mechanical Ventilation of Buildings).

Occupancy rates for non-residential space types
Occupancy rates for non-residential space types
Space Type Assumed occupancy (sqm per occupant)
Office 10
Shop, retail, café 5
Laboratory or warehouse 20
Unconditioned Warehouse / factory 50
Unconditioned Showroom / Machine Shop 20
Public building 5
Other non-residential building 20

Council Administration

Subscriber Councils can search and view all published BESS assessments within their municipal boundary. This feature is not available to general users. If you are a Council subscriber and need help with this feature please Contact Us.